How Natural Treatment To Acne Papular

How Natural Treatment To Acne Papular
Acne is one of the most common skin problems addressed by a large number of people. I just got right in my face without warning and ruin your appearance and yes, your mood as well. It can occur in all ages and genres, but is most often found in adolescents and women. There are various types of acne that can have several causes. Acne can manifest itself in the form of pimples, blacks, pimples, pustules, and papules. In this article we will discuss the papular acne can be very annoying if you try to squeeze, like other types of acne. So, read on for details.

What is a papular acne? 

Papular acne is different from other types of acne. They are small red or pink, firm, inflamed bumps on the skin without the head. It does not contain the type of pus, sebum or other materials. Therefore, squeeze or choose the type of acne cause damage to the skin and leave you with a scar on his face. They can be soft to the touch and can appear on any part of the body, but are mostly found on the face, back and backs. Papular acne caused by bacteria, oil, dirt and heat. When there is a bacterial infection, the body tries to fight and there is an increase in blood flow that can be seen as the swelling and inflammation and is known as papular acne. The white blood cells trying to fight bacteria and there is pus formation or accumulation of white blood cells. Pus form of acne is known as acne. So we can say that acne breakouts are formed a few days after the formation of papular acne. But how acne can cause severe scarring, you have to treat them as soon as possible.

How to treat acne papular 

Papular acne can cause scarring which can be very difficult to remove. Therefore, it is best to treat and try some measures to prevent them. The following are some of the treatments (natural and drugs) were very helpful and effective.

natural Treatment
Wash your face with water several times a day. It will keep your face hydrated and free of debris.
Tea tree oil is very effective in treating all types of acne. Apply cotton in tea tree oil and apply it directly on the pimple. fixed overnight and wash in the morning. You can also use products containing 5% or more of tea tree oil to get rid of papular acne.
Aloe vera is a natural skin care products and beneficial. Just cut a small portion of the leaf, push it to the center and take the gel. Apply the gel directly on the pimples and keep for 10-15 minutes. Then wash with plain water. Daily use of aloe vera not only help you get more acne problems, but also improve the quality of your skin.

A picture of cinnamon powder and honey is useful for reducing inflammation. Take a teaspoon of cinnamon and a tablespoon of honey. Mix well and apply the mixture on your acne. Save for an hour and then wash off with warm water. Repeat every day until you get rid of the CNE.
Follow a healthy diet and avoid foods that can cause allergies, trigger or papular acne. Consult your doctor about the foods that should be avoided and they consume.
Drink plenty of water to wash all the dirt. It will also keep the pores clean and safe from dirt and infection.

Natural Treatment 

  1. Wash your face with water several times a day. It will keep your face hydrated and free of debris. 
  2. Tea tree oil is very effective in treating all types of acne. Apply cotton in tea tree oil and apply it directly on the pimple. fixed overnight and wash in the morning. You can also use products containing 5% or more of tea tree oil to get rid of papular acne. 
  3. Aloe vera is a natural skin care products and beneficial. Just cut a small portion of the leaf, push it to the center and take the gel. Apply the gel directly on the pimples and keep for 10-15 minutes. Then wash with plain water. Daily use of aloe vera not only help you get more acne problems, but also improve the quality of your skin. 
  4. A picture of cinnamon powder and honey is useful for reducing inflammation. Take a teaspoon of cinnamon and a tablespoon of honey. Mix well and apply the mixture on your acne. Save for an hour and then wash off with warm water. Repeat every day until you get rid of the CNE. 
  5. Follow a healthy diet and avoid foods that can cause allergies, trigger or papular acne. Consult your doctor about the foods that should be avoided and they consume.
  6. Drink plenty of water to wash all the dirt. It will also keep the pores clean and safe from dirt and infection. 


  1. Wash your face with a mild cleanser twice and apply the cream anti-acne that may have benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid as an anti-acne ingredients. 
  2. Antibiotics such as doxycycline, minocycline, tetracycline, may be useful to limit the growth of bacteria. 
  3. A doctor may prescribe a retinoid cream in the case of adult acne. 
  4. There are many treatments such as laser therapy, light therapy and other cosmetic procedures are very effective against this skin problem. Although this procedure is expensive, have shown enormous effect on the skin. 

The treatment will provide relief from acne problem completely. Then, select one of the following treatment and regularly until you get satisfactory results. Try natural treatments, and if you can not get a positive result then consult a dermatologist for medical care. Use sunscreen when you go out in the sun to avoid irritation and inflammation of the skin, as it may worsen the situation.

Antibiotics For Acne

Antibiotics For Acne - Acne is an infection caused by bacteria, p. acnes. This bacterium infects the sebum and multiplies quickly inside the gland, which ignites. The infection spreads to the DermIS and deeper cells of balls. When acne breaks damages the skin and can cause scarring. To stop all this antibiotics are of great help.
Antibiotics for Acne

How do antibiotics

Antibiotics work by killing the bacteria selectively. Do not cause damage to the cells of the body. Killing bacteria antibiotics reduce infections and inflammations. Oral antibiotics are the fastest way to treat these infections. Some antibiotics used for acne are erythromycin, tetracycline, minocycline, doxycycline, clindamycin and others.


It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, available in capsules, tablets, extended-release capsules, etc. Are normally laid down two or three jobs a day for seven or more days. The dosage and duration of treatment depends on the severity of the infection. Can be used during pregnancy. Not only reduces infections but also inflammation. Generally is taken to full stomach. The Eritomicina can cause side effects such as diarrhea, vomiting, etc. In this case, you must consult your doctor.


It is commonly available in capsules. The dosage and duration of treatment depends on the severity of the infection. May not be taken during pregnancy. Take on an empty stomach and dairy products should be avoided. Can cause side effects such as skin flushing, diarrhea, etc.


Minocycline belongs to the class of medicines called tetracycline antibiotics. Is commonly available in capsules or tablets. The dosage and duration of treatment depends on the severity of the infection. May not be taken during pregnancy. Take on an empty stomach and dairy products should be avoided. Can cause side effects such as skin flushing, diarrhea, buzzing in the ears, etc.


Even this antibiotic belong to tetracyclines. It comes in capsules and tablets. The dosage and duration of treatment depends on the severity of the infection. Can provoare dry mouth and diarrhea.


Is used as an antibiotic for the treatment of acne, but as it has significant side effects, is commonly used in the form of gel to be applied on the skin. In the case of prescription for clindamycin orally, the effects are discussed in detail.

Tetracycline For Acne Perhaps The Scariest Acne Medicine

Tetracycline For Acne - Prescribed for acne is one of the first things you do as an individual teenager dermatologists is their help with acne. If they are not on the pill, or if a patient man, tetracycline is usually the first choice.

Tetracycline for acne

But what many overlook dermatologists to remember is that tetracyclines can cause damage to internal organs, particularly the esophagus and stomach. Tetracycline is strong enough, especially when taken internally and the night.
Let me give you an idea of what tetracycline did for me when I got it. At first things were going great. My acne was as clean as it should, and my skin is back to normal. It was a little dry here and there, but nothing that can't be solved with a little moisturizer.
(not on the gross, but) one day I started huge burps. And I haven't changed my eating habits, so there was no need.

One day I woke up and tried to have breakfast. I couldn't swallow food. My esophagus was simply not wide enough. I could barely water into the hole. It's a scary feeling. But I thought that would be attached to the fact that I was taking tetracycline for acne.

Eventually, the pain in my esophagus felt so bad that I am struggling to eat all day, every day he had. I still had the problem a farmer and I started to lose weight-even if I had to lose a
I had acid reflux disease.

When I asked how it happened, she simply said that many teenagers get when dermatologists tetracycline damage.

How could this happen? I asked him.
It's a bit of a simplification, but essentially, if someone takes tetracycline for acne around bedtime, if prescribed by a dermatologist, she went to bed after a few minutes. If you are in bed, tetracycline dissolves in the stomach and starts to creep into the esophagus. Tetracycline acid burn trend the mucosa of the esophagus, creating acid reflux and hiatal hernia.

This was enough for me to want to sue my dermatologist. This is a common problem! Because they say to their patients that their tetracyclines at another time, such as a mid-afternoon?
It seems, tetracycline can also cause chaos in your body when at any time of the day. Some toys with the digestive system, causing nausea, vomiting, and, of course, acid reflux.

Instead of letting your doctor of tetracycline for acne, natural home remedy use that does not damage the internal organs and leave you with huge medical bills to solve.

Tips Rid of Red Acne Scars Effective

Tips Rid of Red Acne Scars Effective - Acne is a common eruptive skin disease that affects teens and adults alike. As if the insult isn't enough, people would still have to battle as to how to get rid of those pesky acne red marks left behind by the eruptions.

Tips Rid of Red Acne Scars Effective

Red marks are signs of when acne is starting to clear up as a result of the infection and the eventual healing process. It usually fades over time but who would want to leave an outrageous, attention-grabbing red mark on their face for everyone to notice? It is usually used for exfoliation or to reduce the red marks that acne leaves on your face. Lemon juice can also help in reducing the red marks caused by acne. Since it is a natural skin bleach, it improves the look of your skin lessening the redness. Lastly, it exfoliates your skin which is an important process in treating acne.

Freeing your face from acne red marks can be so easy and inexpensive.

Getting rid of acne scars can be a simple procedure, if you use the right methods. Let me show you how to get rid of red acne scars fast, with some safe and natural methods.

There are many reasons to get rid of acne scars, a wedding, a birthday party or even a date. How to get rid of red acne scars fast from home. Tea Tree Oil is also another natural remedy for acne scars, and works in the same way as lemon juice. If you still suffer from acne, then these home remedies also work well at getting rid of that too.

Finding out how to get rid of red acne scars fast, is possible, and the above natural remedies do work, if you give them time. Get rid of your Acne Scars, once and for all!

Want to know the secret to clear and flawless skin without having to spend on expensive skin treatments? Scarring begins when a zit or blackhead starts to heal. If you have the habit of picking on your spots, there's a greater chance for scarring since. 

Lemon Juice Method

Then rinse away and apply your favourite lightening moisturizer.

Homemade Mask Method

Apply the mask to your face and let your skin absorb the goodness.

Yogurt Scrub Method

Mix yogurt with some high quality sugar to make an all natural scrub that is safe to use even on sensitive skin. Just mix equal parts yogurt and sugar and gently rub on the affected areas. Rinse off to reveal much brighter skin.

It's just a matter of finding a remedy that is right for your skin type and condition.

Are you suffering from marks left behind by your acne lesions? Some people are genetically prone to such scarring marks. The good news is these red or brown marks are not considered severe acne scars. To lighten acne scars and speed up the recovery of acne scars

First, peel of the onion skin, wash and slick it into very thin slices. Put one slice on each mark you wish to lighten. To treat acne and reduce oily secretions

You may need about 5-10 small red onions. Peel off the onion skin, wash and chop into smaller portions. Use a muslin bag to squeeze out juice from the onion paste. 

Tips Rid of Red Acne Scars Effective